Travelling with a baby can be hard at times and a little frustrating too. But if done right, it can be quite fun and a memory for a lifetime. There would be times when it gets a little hard. But all you need is to remember, this too shall pass. Have a relaxed, what happens attitude, and few other tips of which we’ve made a list below:
- Know when can the baby travel safely
Consider the baby’s age. Consult your doctor before the trip. Ask them what are the things you need to be careful about. Read the airlines policies in case you plan a flight. Doctors recommend you wait until your baby’s immune system is more developed before flying, usually at least one month, though most recommend anywhere between 3-6 months.
- Take as little baby gear as possible
The lighter you travel, the easier your life and the more you enjoy it. There’s nothing more exhausting than hauling a bunch of junk you don’t actually need. Especially if you’ll be catching trains or moving around much.
- Prepare the baby travel checklist
- Carry as many diapers as you think your baby will need.
- A plastic bag to store soiled clothes. Carry some ziplock bags too, just in case you are unable to dispose of a soiled diaper immediately.
- Small towels or clothes to wipe the baby’s posseting, which is the tiny amount of food that comes out when he burps.
- A nursing cover so that you can breastfeed anywhere without hesitation.
- Prepared formula within insulated covering to keep it warm.
- Homemade purees for babies older than six months. Carry simple, dry finger foods such as cereals or baked veggies.
- Carry homemade oral rehydration solution for emergencies.
- Nasal bulb and saline solution, in case the baby develops a cold.
- Baby wipes and diaper cream.
- A first-aid kit. If your baby is on specific medicines, then make sure to carry those.
- A small blanket, extra clothing, and a pacifier.
- A toy and some books to keep the baby occupied.
- A foldable stroller if needed. Pick one that is compact, easy to carry, and can also pass through the airport X-ray machine conveniently.
- Baby’s passport if you are travelling abroad. If you are flying solo with the baby, then you may have to present a consent letter signed by the other parent. Check with the local rules before your travel.
Remember, pack light!
- Wear your bab
It’s much easier than a stroller. You can move around easily, navigate stairs, and generally be faster. Also, the baby loves to be close to you!
- Plan your arrival
Arrive at the airport/railway station before time to accustom the baby to a crowded environment. It may take time for an infant to adjust, and you should be free of immediate check-in worries.
- Plan your trip when the weather is right
Plan the trip when the weather is likely to be pleasant. Travelling in the hot, sweltering heat can be uncomfortable for you as well as the baby. If travelling in summer, make sure you carry lots of fluids for your baby.
- Secure the baby properly
While on a train, make sure you securely hold the baby in your lap. If you are travelling in a coach with sleeper berths, always place the baby towards the wall of the berth while you sit/lie at the end.
- Keep the baby busy
The moving sights outside the window are quite likely to make the baby drowsy and asleep. You can use toys that can distract the baby or keep it calm throughout the journey.
- Be prepared minutes before your destination
Have your luggage ready in one place before getting off the train. It prevents last moment confusion and rush that can be unsafe when you have a baby in hand.
- Keep baby within line of sight
Trains are more crowded than a plane or a car. Make sure you always have the infant within sight. Always have your partner or an adult travelling with you watch the baby when you go to the washroom or the pantry. Be extra careful in case of toddlers who have started to walk and tend to wander away inconspicuously.

Make a wonderful journey with your toddler and amazing memories for a lifetime. Happy Journey!
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